
Alexander Zingman : Viruses vs. Bacteria and Difference?

 Let's face it - we've been talking a lot about viruses for the last two pandemic years. This means that now you probably know that the virus is invisible to the naked eye and can cause all kinds of health problems. But bacteria check those boxes too. So what is the difference between viruses and bacteria - and why is it important to understand the difference? Here's what to know about the two pathogens and diseases they can cause. What are viruses and bacteria? Viruses and bacteria are all around us. While we can not see them with the naked eye - in fact, viruses are microscopic, which means you can not even see them under a microscope, according to the National Human Genome Research Institute - they can certainly let us know if they infect us. Viruses are tiny organisms from a gene called a nucleic acid - either DNA or RNA, according to the National Human Genome Research Institute - which is surrounded by a coat of protein, Charles Bailey, MD, doctor of infection control

Alexander Zingman: Дзве баявыя кошкі

 У вас дома ёсць дзве кошкі, якія проста не могуць ладзіць? Праверце бой двух катоў.

Alexander Zingman- Відэа па плаванні аленя

  Аляксандр Зінгман падзяліўся плавальным відэа "Алень", якое трэба вывучыць.

Alexander Zingman: Кот гуляе відэа з маленькімі мышанятамі

  Учора раніцай Майя раптам пачала гуляць з адной са сваіх маленькіх мышанятак - знак таго, што ёй нарэшце стала лепш, і яна таксама зноў есць. У яе больш няма дыярэі дзякуючы 5 ін'екцыям.

Alexander Zingman- Tiger Roar Video in Zoo

  Alexander Zingman shared Tiger Roar Video in Zoo.

Alexander Zingman : Taste the New Puppy Cake

  Alexander Zingman Taste the delicious puppy Cake and Enjoy.......... Really its very tasty.

Alexander Zingman: Дом птушак сярод лесу

  Відэа птушынага доміка пасярод лесу, каб зімой карміць галодных птушак.